The Vicuña is an exclusive fibre with a diameter of just 12 microns compared to the Merino's of 16-18 microns. It has the luxurious feel of a blend of cashmere and silk.
Vicuña, the world's most expensive wool was highly valued by the Inca Royal Family and still is highly regarded today by the Andean population, because of their strong religious and cultural connection.
An important religious ceremony, conducted by the Inca King at sunset, was the ritual offering of a personal Vicuña garment into the sacred fires to honour the Sun God.
It was punishable by death, for anyone, except members of the royal family to wear Vicuña garments.
The natural habitat is the pampas in the high Andes in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.
Our Vicuna products have all the necessary permits and more importantly CITES documentation, as the VICUÑA is a protected species.

The present descendants of the ancient Andean civilization are the inheritors of the religious beliefs, cultural heritage and the correct historical facts that with accuracy rightfully describes the Vicuña (Vicugna Vicugna) wool, as "Fibre of the Gods", because of the important and special significance connected to the Sun God INTI.
In the informed textile literature, there are 4 different South American camelid species and the wool is classified as hair, fleece or fibre.
Today there are unscrupulous groups motivated by greed and supported by Tax payers money, resorting to the lowest form of plagiarism in stealing a religious symbol of ancient Andean culture using the phrase Fibre of the Gods with contempt by attaching it to camelids other than the Vicuña.